This move has been so different than any other move we have had! We bought our mid century home late December 2023 and we have had time to move slowly into the new space. We found ourselves doing weekly trips with boxes until we unintentionally moved the whole house by ourselves. The last week of moving we were extremely grateful for the help of Ben and his best friend’s muscles and Maddy’s help being home for the summer. Cheers to moving a house and still standing! Have I ever told you the garage is at the road and then there are stairs that lead up to the house? Yes, super fun moving in:-) Tomorrow you will see the only thing we did not move ourselves!
2 more days until our Semi-Annual 50% off Sale!

We also have added a WISHLIST feature!

You can now add any course to your WISHLIST. Start looking through our courses (we have over 160 art, lifestyle and business courses to choose from) and find the course you want to take before the sale even begins! Everything will be ready for you when the sale begins and you are ready for checkout.


  1. Go to a course page, click on buy product and at the bottom you will see ADD TO WISHLIST.
  2. At any time you can see all of the course you have added to your WISHLIST by going to your account page.



If you are not a part of our network THIS is the time to make sure you are subscribed to our NEWSLETTER and to create an account on our CREATIVE NETWORK (free to create an account).

When you see the countdown coming that means our semi-annual 50% off sale is almost here!

TWO MORE DAYS until the sale begins and EVERY course on our site is included in the sale!



This sale allows you to buy as many online courses as you want and our courses are downloadable, lifetime access and also include closed captioning!


The sale will begin on Monday, June 3rd @ 6am MT