***Last 24 hours to get the early registration price of $28***
Want to go on a creative adventure and figure some things out about yourself on the way? Today we are opening early registration for a brand new collage course being taught by art educator and therapist Stacy Stultz! Stacy will be leading us in Exploring Your Fears Through Collage!
We all know the healing power of creating and what it does for your happiness, contentment, and peace but this is bringing an even deeper healing power into your art.
A message from art educator and therapist Stacy Stutz

Exploring Your FEARS Through Collage
“In art one must throw one’s life away in order to gain it.” Kafka
Fear is a universal experience. In this class, we will examine and acknowledge our deep-seeded fear and sit with it through the process of collage and art assemblage until it resonates with us, leading us to a journey of healing. Fear is not a problem to be solved but a tool to dismantle our structures of being.
“Bravery is not the absence of fear but an intimacy with it.”
Collage allows for us to find images that we may not be able to create otherwise. Looking through collected imagery; finding words, photos and pictures which illustrate your fears may begin the process of stepping toward them. Once this process is complete and organized in visual form, we will then gather images that help to heal, unravel and dispel the myth of that fear or fears and how it plays a role in preventing you from growing into your gifts.
Hopefully, this process will find you humbled and befriending yourself.
“This very moment is the perfect teacher and is always present.’ Pema Chodren
Let’s journey to wholly unanticipated expansion. Let’s answer what our fear says about us and what we would like to do with that fear. Where there is fear there is power. Personal imagery can move us from fear to joy as we assemble. move paper, overlay and tell out stories through collage.
“The man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.” Micheal de Montaigne
We will witness the journeys of others and how they expressed their troubles and eventual healing through this process. I hope it will bring you some clarity and at least the beginning of a journey to self.
Supplies: Magazines, photo, hand-made images, words, phrases, glue sticks, glue, brushes, and card stock. Writing in any media and adding your own work is welcomed!
The early registration price for this one week course (4+ hours of content) is $28.00 and will go to $48 on September 13th @ 7pm MST. You will have LIFETIME ACCESS* to the videos. This class will go live on October 10, 2017.
Come and watch the course trailer…
If you have any questions about the course please email us at contact@jeanneoliverdesigns.com.
See you in class!
If you are new to our creative network here are easy steps to get you started…
1. Register at jeanneoliver.ning.com (this is free).
2. Once your account is active you are able to take advantage of our free courses, series and even pay for courses.
3. Go to jeanneoliver.ning.com and along the top header click on “COURSES” and you will be able to view all three pages of online courses and free series.
4. To purchase a course please choose your course, click on the +join in the upper right hand corner, pay and you will be INSTANTLY in the classroom.
5. All videos can be found along the right hand side of the page under “COURSE CONTENT”.
6. All of our courses are pre-recorded so you can watch at your convenience. The best part is that you have lifetime* access on all new purchases! Pretty awesome if you ask me.
*As long as we manage the creative network