What will YOU create this fall?
I hope you will take a chance on one of our classes and open up your creativity in a new way!
Fall and winter is the perfect time to create and try something new.
I don’t think the kids should be the only ones to get all the new fun stuff for back to school.
For the next 24 hours you can get any of our currently running online courses 50% off!
Come checkout what we have and get them at an amazing price too!
See you in class!
To take one of our 28 classes you need to become a member of my creative network Jeanneoliver.ning.com (this is free to join).
* Create an account
* Once you are approved you can watch free videos, be inspired by our popular Creativity Takes Courage series and even pay for courses about art, home and business
* To sign up for a free video, interview series or class simply…
1) find the class you want
2) click on the class
3) once you are on the main page of the class click the +join in the upper right hand corner
4) pay if it is a pay class
5) you are in
* All videos can be found along the right hand side of the page of the course you are registered for under “course content”