
Sometimes there are seasons in our lives that grow and stretch us more than others.

Maybe it is my age.

I don't take a lot of stuff anymore.

I only spend my time with friends I cherish.

I am much better at making time for my art and other passions.

I am able to look at my life as a wife and mother and truly know that I am LIVING one of my biggest dreams.


I have also learned to Let Go.

Letting go of friendships that only tear you down and take your energy.

Letting go of worry.

This was (is) a big one for me.  I have come a long way.  It is unbelievable how much energy we can spend on all the things in this world we can not control.


Letting go of past hurts and forgive….whether there is EVER a reconciliation.

Forgiveness is just as much for me as it is for the other person.

Letting go of perfection…something has to give.  Trust will be soooo much happier for it!

Letting go of the image of yourself that you THOUGHT you would be and just embrace the one that you are.

This mixed media collage was created to represent for me all the things I want to let go of or have let go of.

When I look at it I also just smile because I know that my dreams have been heard and I am letting those dreams go.

Not giving up…releasing them.


My dreams can never come true if I don't allow them to spread their wings and fly.
