One of the very first course ideas I ever wanted to create (over 12 years ago) was Studying Under the Masters. We went on to create multiple collaborations of this concept focused on some of our favorite artists of all time. You have been letting us know for years that you have been missing this series and we missed them too! I hope you are excited as we are that our next Studying Under the Masters is now ready and I am so proud of this course! Time travel with us to the 1950s and the rise of the second wave of abstract expressionism and some of the women that changed the world of art.


Instant Access for Women of Abstract Expressionism with Jeanne Oliver, Diane Reeves, Renee Mueller, Crystal Marie and Julia Muller. Registration is $198 The course has over 15 hours of content. Come and read all about it. All videos are downloadable, lifetime access* and closed captioned.




Join 5 artists as we become the “apprentice”. Through discussion and technique videos, each artist will share their week with a woman of abstract expressionism. You’ll learn who their artist studied under, who influenced their work and what techniques and mediums they used. You will then watch as the artists incorporate what they have learned into their own work in their own style.

The Masters being studied: Helen Frankenthaler, Joan Mitchell, Elaine de Kooning, Lee Krasner and Grace Hartigan

If you love art history, learning new techniques and how to use them, creative warm-ups, what and who inspired some of your favorite artists, how to actually get into your creative space and MAKE ART, and how you can use inspiration to create new work in your own style…THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!

An integral part of the artistic process was to “copy” the master artist. In this course, you will watch as these artists “copy” the works of another artist. They will share what techniques they learned and what they learned about their own creative process. You will then learn as they create art in their own style incorporating the techniques and/or medium of their chosen artist. You will leave this course with freedom in your creativity. Freedom to pull from everything around you that inspires you and how to incorporate it into your art. The confidence to realize that nothing is new under the sun and how to build upon others that have come before you.


Come on over to the course page and see what is being taught each week HERE.

Instant Access for Women of Abstract Expressionism with Jeanne Oliver, Diane Reeves, Renee Mueller, Crystal Marie and Julia Muller. Registration is $198 The course has over 15 hours of content. Come and read all about it. All videos are downloadable, lifetime access* and closed captioned.


Come and Watch The Course Trailer


Instant Access for Women of Abstract Expressionism with Jeanne Oliver, Diane Reeves, Renee Mueller, Crystal Marie and Julia Muller. Registration is $198 The course has over 15 hours of content. Come and read all about it. All videos are downloadable, lifetime access* and closed captioned.

If this is your first course with us or you are a longtime member we want to share how easy it is to find out more, register, see the supply list and share with your friends.

1. Come and read all about the new course HERE.
2. If you think your friends would love this course we would be beyond honored to have you share the promo video. We have included all of the social media links under the video to make it easy. You can also directly share the course page. You do not have to be a member of this site to see what we have to offer!
3. We also have over 120 other courses and to see what we are offering you can go directly to and then click on courses.
4. All of our courses are pre-recorded so you can watch them at your convenience. The best part is that you have lifetime* access.
5. If you have any questions about the course please contact support here.

*As long as we manage the creative network