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(My friend Alexis with her dreamy hat from Paris.  I was hoping the whole trip to find one just like it)

You have already seen the beautiful chateau and morning I was excited to capture that first morning in Auty. 

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After an amazing breakfast served in the dinning room we headed out for an early morning farmer's market.

This market was filled with everything from breads, olives, currents, fresh poultry, fish and herbs.


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The tables overflowed with fresh flowers, foie gras and the most incredible cheeses.

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As we walked on the cobblestone streets and listened to the locals all bartering in French it was truly the most lovely way to start our time in France.

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After the market we made our way through the town photographing and stopping at every brocante we saw.

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We spent the better part of the morning and early afternoon at brocantes filling our market bags and literally pinching ourselves…not believing that this was real.

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(Jackie and Rachel shopping for vintage linens)

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Just when we thought we couldn't shop anymore we were driven to a nearby park where one of the chateau's chefs was waiting for us with the most gorgeous, gourmet lunch.

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We sat on blankets under the shade of the trees.

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It was truly perfection.


Our afternoon included a few more brocantes and then we headed back to the chateau.

A few of us decided to take a dip in the pool to cool off.

As I was drying off under the sun I peeked my head up and called out to all the girls "FYI…we are in the south of France, laying out by the pool, surrounded by cypress trees….just wanted to remind you in case you forgot":-)

I actually feel asleep under the warmth of the sun and didn't wake up until it was time to shower and get ready for dinner.

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We had drinks and appetizers on the back patio and then we went to the front of the chateau for dinner.

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I was so tired (because of my lack of sleep the night before) at around 10pm that I said goodnight to everyone and they continued talking late into the evening.  I was even told that they saw fireworks that evening from a near by village.

As I type this I keep catching myself smiling…how could I not! 

What a first day!