We are currently traveling in Italy and it has been a gift of time to write, read, create and spend time with family. I am very intentional about my rhythm at home but these past few months had been extremely out of my normal ebb and flow and I was feeling it.

The things inspiring me the most are truly the sound of the lake, the smell of Jasmine, walking everywhere and the gift of seeing that it brings, walking from our rented apartment to my temporary art studio only a few steps away, putting a few layers down and walking away, walking back alleyways and walking into beautiful people that have become friends, the sound of the rain coming down as I write this and knowing I will sit among friends tonight and have a glorious meal.

All of this is a reminder (and a promise) of the new rhythms that will be created and lived once we set up our life in our new home. So many things have instantly become simpler and more focused.