Abstract Untangled: Supply List - Jeanne Oliver

Supply List

Canson 18 x 24 inch Watercolor pad 140lb.

Canvas in square or rectangle format. No smaller than 24 x 24 inch. I suggest you go bigger if you feel like it!

Black Charcoal stick or pencil.
I love The Viarco ArtGraf made in Portugal if you want to try it. It’s a square sort of flat piece.

A Mechanical pencil, and a Graphite Pencil.

Heavy body Acrylic Paint
Blue, of your choice. (I’m using Manganese Blue Hue)
Yellow, of your choice. (I’m using Hansa Yellow Medium)
Red, of your choice. (I’m using Quinacridone Red)

Matte Medium. I use Liquitex. We will only need a small amount.

I regularly use the Stabilo Woody 3 in 1 water soluble in all the colors, but if you don’t want to make the investment, oil pastels you have on hand work pretty well too.

One or two palette knives for mixing and application.

Brush assortment of shapes and sizes. The more the merrier!
(Mix it up with what you have, we just need an assortment)
Square in 4, 6, and 12 Round in 8 and 12, Filbert in a 4, and ½ in Mop brush, all for instance.

Color Shapers found at Jerry’s online. Size 2” Firm Flat (be careful there are other options that don’t work as well with what we are doing and they aren’t cheap.)

2-4 of the 3M body putty scraper. The 3M website sells them in a two pack very cheap. If you don’t want to invest in the Color Shaper the 3M scrapers will be fine. (Having both would be super too of course.)

Your everyday palette for paint mixing. I use freezer paper over mine for easy clean up.

White artist tape, Paper towels or paint rags and water for clean up.

You might also want to save some small containers for paint storage, and there will be a few other things needed in this class that most of us have on hand….. don’t want to spoil any surprises:)

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