Berthe Morisot: Supply List - Jeanne Oliver

Note: The supply list is broken down by the type of medium I will be using. Some of my watercolor palette colors are very mix and match and I work from different palettes at once so it’s hard to list them all. I suggest using what you have on hand or purchase the very minimum to get you a good landscape colored palette. Feel free to substitute supplies if you have something suitable on hand that will work with that particular medium. Also, feel free to change the medium you use for any of the lessons. For example, if you are more comfortable with watercolors then try all the lessons with watercolor instead of oil paints. Specific brands that I use are in parenthesis behind the product name.


Mixed media paper (Canson XL, 98 lb spiral pad, 7” x 10” size)
Mechanical pencil (Pentel Graphgear 500, 0.5 lead)
Black Stabilo pencil
Charcoal pencil (General’s Peel & Sketch)
Water soluble pencil (Derwent Medium Wash 4B)
3 x 5 (or) 4 x 6 note cards for small sketches (office supply store)
White gesso (Liquitex)
Old round paint brush for blending pencils or using with gesso (do not use your good brushes for mixing these mediums)
Palette knife for spreading gesso (RGM brand)
5 x 7 kraft spiral notebook (handmade by me, available in my shop)
Mixing dishes for gesso (vintage styles available in my shop)


Watercolor palette (I use various sizes, handmade by me from vintage cigar tins, from my shop)
Professional grade tube watercolors in color suitable for landscapes (Daniel Smith) Note: see my blog for a tutorial on how to set up your own watercolor palette
Watercolor brushes, round, size 6, 8 or 10 (Escoda Perla or Escoda Versatil Travel Brushes)
Watercolor paper, cold press (80-100 lb), size 5” x 7”
Watercolor jar
Paper towels or soft rag
Mechanical pencil (Pentel Graphgear 500, 0.5 lead)
Travel sketch roll in video (handmade by me, available in my shop)
Spray bottle (Mini Mister by Ranger or travel section at Walmart)


Professional grade oil tubes (Michael Harding, Gamblin)
My palette colors for this class: Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Light, Indian Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Viridian, Raw Umber, Green Gold
Oil brushes, long flats (sizes vary from 4, 6, 8), rigger for line work (Rosemary & Company, ordered from England, a very reputable company with quick shipping and no issues with ordering abroad)
Oil medium (M. Graham walnut oil or Gambling solvent-free gel)
Small metal jar with lid made for oils (I have a 1 well and 2 well pot)
Odorless mineral spirits (Gamblin brand Gamsol)
Metal jar with spill proof lid made for mineral spirits
Paper towels (Viva brand with no designs are thickest and most cloth like)
Palette knife (RGM #6)
Canvas panels (5 x 7 size, quantity 2) (8 x 10 size, quantity 1) (craft store brands are fine for this class, you might notice though that mine are handmade with a toned color)
Disposable rubber gloves to keep hands clean and away from oils
Glass or wood palette, your choice, or cardboard wrapped with foil
Wet wipes for clean up
Brush cleaner (The Masters brand) or dish soap to clean and condition brushes (you can wrap used brushes in saran wrap and store in the refrigerator until you have time to clean them)
Glass scraper with razor blade (from any hardware store)
3 x5 or 4 x 6 note cards for composition and value sketches
Wood skewer or stick for mark making and scraping

Soft Pastels

Soft pastels in landscape colors (Terry Ludwig or Unison brand) If making the investment it’s best to buy three shades of a color, ex: light yellow, medium yellow, darker yellow, or you can find sets suitable for landscapes Pastel storage box, optional (I have a vintage box and a small Heilman Design box, both with foam padding to protect the fragile pastels) Note: cheaper chalk pastels or oil pastels will not product the same results as artist quality soft pastels. Pastel paper, size 6 x 8 (Mi Teintes Touch, cream color), or try mixed media paper Pastel pencils in suitable landscape colors (Conte a Paris or Stabilo) Mini Sketch Roll seen in video (handmade by me, available in my shop)

Recommended Reading

Berthe Morisot Impressionist |Charles F. Stuckey and William P. Scott Hudson Hills Press, New York *photo heavy with images, notations and summaries

Berthe Morisot | Jean-Dominique Rey, Foreward Sylvie Patry Flammarion, S.A., Paris *photo heavy with images, notations and summaries

The Private Lives of the Impressionists | Sue Roe Harper Perennial | *a great read if you want to get a feel for Morisot’s personal life, struggles, surroundings and other Impressionists she interacted with around her Paris home

Growing up with the Impressionists | The Diary of Julie Manet Translated and edited by Jane Roberts I.B. Tauris, London, New York *actual entries from Morisot’s daughter, Julie Manet (age 14 when she started the diary)

Note: I find most of my books on Amazon in good, used condition at a price significantly lower than brand new books.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some or all of the links in this supply list are affiliate links.  This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission and we are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please note that we only share the supplies listed by the teacher in this course.  As always, our heart is to encourage you to use what you already have and, when we suggest products, we only share supplies that we use and endorse.