Santos Cage Dolls: Supply List - Jeanne Oliver

Supply List

Supply List Needed For The Course:

1 toilet paper roll
2 packs 16 oz paper clay or 4 packs 8 oz
masking tape
1 spool black craft  wire
wire cutters
wire jewelry bent nose or straight pliers
3- 8inch mannequin dress forms can be found at Micheal’s, creat4less or a limited supply in my shop
4-12 inch paint stir sticks
1 cardboard 12 inch cardboard cone for base
1 6 or 8 inch wood craft round or hat box for base
various acrylics paints including burnt umber, white, red, prussian blue
various brush sizes
mod podge or clear white glue
3 cardboard craft eggs (hobby lobby)
1 small square 1/4 inch dowel (about  12 inches  long for necks)
white craft glue
hot glue
paper towel
natural card stock