Woodland Girls: Supply List - Jeanne Oliver

Supply List

I do not like to always give a supply list because I want you to watch the videos to see if the project connects with you before you invest in the supplies.  I also believe that people should first try to use what they already have. With that said I want you to make sure you have a few things handy so you can jump right in.

Basic Supply List

* Old ledger, blank mixed media paper, watercolor paper or blank art journal (pick one)
* Mechanical pencil
* Portable watercolor set (Here are a few sets that I have and I like all of them. Pick one below or use what you already have)

Talens Angora Watercolor Pan Sets – Set of 36 Pans

Koi Assorted Water Colors Field Sketch Set with Brush

Grumbacher Deluxe Opaque Watercolor Set 24 pan set

* Charcoal pencil
* White gesso
* Clear gesso
* Wood slice x 2 (I get all of mine from Michaels. Use a coupon for a better price) 8-10″ tall
* Paperclay
* Sculpting Tools
* Speedball linoleum cutter
* Speedball carving block

Complete Supply List For Woodland Girls

* Creating a Portable Art Set

(These are just my suggestions. Please pull from your favorite supplies)

Small squirt bottle
Art Graf Stick
Art Graf Tin
Pencil Sharpener
X-Acto Knife (for sharpening the Stabilo pencils)
Brush Cleaner
Date Stamp
Collapseable water cup
Sandpaper stick (for removing charcoal off blending sticks)
2-4 Metal Clips
Conte Crayons
Fountain Pen
Kneadable Eraser
Mechanical Pencils
Extra Lead
Watercolor Set
Water Brush
Charcoal Pencil
Black Stabilo
Derwent Watercolor Pencils (I like Blue Grey 68 and Steel Blue 06)
Pentel Color Brush (Grey, Black and Sephia)

* Chalkboard Wood Slice

Wood Slice ( I get mine at Michaels)
Mechanical Pencil
White Chalk
Black Paint
White Paint
Small Paintbrush


Woodburning Tool
Wood Slice ( I get mine at Michaels)

*Portable Peerless Palette

Peerless WatercolorsPalette Tray
These are the colors I used in mine:
Amber Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Golden Yellow
Blood Red
Carnation Pink
Bubble Gum
Larkspur Blue
Mountain Green
Robin Eye Blue
Myrtle Green
Sephia Brown
Brunt Umber
Pearl Gray
Neutral Tint
Jane’s Grey

*Painting Photographs

Peerless Watercolors
Black and white images printed out on photo paper and/or watercolor paper
Small Paintbrush

* Stamp Carving

Carving Set
Images from the Graphics Fairy
Ball Point Pen

* Sketching a Woodland Girl

Watercolor Paper, Journal, Mixed Media Paper (whatever you have on hand)
Charcoal Pencil
White Gesso
Clear Gesso

*Nature Study Journal

Old Ledger or Journal
Mechanical Pencil
Clear Gesso
White Gesso
Watercolor Set

* Paperclay Woodland Girl
Creative Paperclay
Sculpting Tools
18 Gauge Wire
Aluminum Foil
Masking Tape
22 Gauge Copper Wire
Found objects for the nest
Plaster Strips
Vintage Paper Strips
Raw Umber Fluid Paint
Aging Wax (I used Miss Mustard Seed)
Pink paint for the cheeks (I used Rose Chair Blush Tint by Sennelier)

* Painting a Woodland Girl
Wood Slice (I buy mine from Michaels)
Charcoal Pencil
Black Stabilo
White Gesso
Clear Gesso
Raw Umber Fluid Paint
JO Paintbrush Holder
Woodland Girls Pinterest Board

Poetry Books I Recommend:
A Thousand Mornings by Mary Oliver
Emily Dickinson Selected Poems
Evidence by Mary Oliver
Swan by Mary Oliver
Thirst by Mary Oliver
Whitman Illuminated: Songs of Myself
One Hundred and One Famous Poems
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
Immortal Poems of the English Language

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some or all of the links in this supply list are affiliate links.  This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission and we are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please note that we only share the supplies listed by the teacher in this course.  As always, our heart is to encourage you to use what you already have and, when we suggest products, we only share supplies that we use and endorse.