Thank you to everyone that took the time to answer the questions on the survey.  It only confirmed all the things I already knew but that is really good too.  I will share the results soon.  I have to say that you are all some of the nicest women!  I have rarely ever had people leave mean comments and even in the survey when you could have been 100% anonymous…you were beautiful and kind.  Thank you!

Before I get rambling about our life right now I wanted to announce the winner of  the $100 Anthro gift card.

Drum roll please…..

Please email me at and we will get you all taken care of.


 Life has been so much good stuff all smooshed together.  We have new changes coming to our family and big decisions to make but I am slowly coming to terms with them.  Our Jack is probably going to the public school in the fall and that has taken me a few weeks to process and get excited about.  I love this boy so much, his tender heart, his quirky humor, his helpful nature and his love of the Lord.  It will be a huge adjustment to not have him home each day. A part of me is already missing him but I know good things are in store for him.

We are also having growing pains again with our business and we just have to give it all back to the Lord and ask for direction and help.  All of this is more than I could have ever imaged for me, my creativity and for us as a married couple working side by side. I see and feel the abundance daily and have never lost my awe in what an amazing God I serve.  I have said it for years now on my blog and in my courses but it is always worth saying again…I want dreams created for me in the heart of God.  I KNOW..I KNOW..I KNOW…they blow my dreams out of the water.

Please pray with us as we ask for direction.

Don’t think for a second that we don’t also struggle with wanting to make sure that our children get what they want and need.  We have to remind ourselves (sometimes literally write it on our schedule) to read books to Ben, cuddle with Maddy and listen (really listen) to Jack.  We don’t do everything with ease and our whole home groans sometimes with the load.  It may show up in dirty toilets and mounting loads of laundry, a reminder to connect and escape as a couple because all we have talked about is the home, kids or editing videos or a little boy asking for things that little boys really need and we missed it.  There are so many ways that I think we are doing things really right and then the reminder that we have lots of room to improve.

For all of you girls that like when we show the home more/decorating etc. you will be happy to know that we have some projects going on right now.  As I type we have men downstairs sanding our floors and prepping for the top coat.  We had them rip out all of the carpet on the main floor except for the library.  I will have a post soon just talking about our floors and the details about them.  Because we are crazy town we decided to rip out the island and build a new one.  We are off today to finalize our stone slab and I can’t wait to show you all.

Here is a peek into our day to day this past week….

{My favorite new app Waterlogue.  It makes any photo into a watercolor}

{This will be the last one…I promise}

{We don’t always get a good covering of snow like this so I try to enjoy it while it lasts}

{We celebrated my niece’s birthday. Look at those sweet hearts around her head. I don’t even know where they were coming from but that is her…pure sweetness!}

{Looking and looking and looking and looking for an island counter top}

{Benjamin FINALLY lost a front tooth. Try to ignore the Dumb and Dumber hair right here. Please}

{I took myself on a movie date and I was the only person in the theater. For real.}

{Nothing more than a little love for you}

We are headed to the hotel tonight so they can finish our floors. I can’t wait to see them, make a few decorating changes and start putting our rooms back together. I will share all of the details as we do them!

See you next week.


Don’t forget that you can still sign up for Create Health 2.0. It just started.

We are also so excited about Danielle Donaldson’s new course Creative Girl: The Land of Light and Shadows will launch this spring.  Come on over and register at the early registration price!