I love the details.

I love the little extra touches in this world.


I love color, good food, fabrics, architecture, friendship, laughter, exploring.


I love vintage treasures.


I love the search for those treasures.


Awhile ago I told you of my heartbreak that a trip was sold out.


This weekend I received an email from Kaari Meng letting me know that they are taking deposits for the next trip in July and that it would be open to the public come Monday.


Well….I am going this time.

My deposit has been made and I can't wait to enjoy the beauty that the South of France holds.


To make things even more incredible…….

my friend Jackie will be on this trip with me.

After my time at the Chateau Dumas my husband will meet me in Paris for a romantic rendezvous:-)


My cup runneth over.

My Grandma used to always say that when things were almost too good for words.

When your heart is so full of blessings.

That is how I feel!!! 

Now…I need to work on my French and TRY to be patient for July!

The food.

The chateau.

The company.

The fabrics.

The wine.

The flea markets.

Have I ever told you that I am not a patient person?

I think we may be eating Ramen for awhile to pay for this trip and Anthropologie-it was nice knowing you!