
Photography by One Step Beyond


Vintage cocktail dress by A La Garconniere


Beanie at Kaylim


Paintings by Naomi Layne


Felted brooches by Vaivanat


Camera straps by Emfalconbridge



The winner of The Busy Scrapper and the supply of papers and embellishments go to


Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I am happy you left one. I am visiting your blog for the first time and to my wonderful surprise The book, Scrapbooking Your Faith, is one I use often and love very much. I have a Faith Group that meets and I use it a lot for inspiration. It is also wonderful to get to know the woman behind such great inspiration. The Q & A was amazing. I would love to have her second book as Church, Family and 4 great kids keeps me pretty busy. I will be by to visit your blog again. Thank you for inspiring me today!

Amy Muffoletto please email me with your address and I will get all your goodies out to you.  Thank you for entering and I hope you enjoy the book and supplies.