I am constantly in awe of the beauty that is all around me if I have my eyes open to it. Sometimes I find it having coffee with Jack in the side garden, watching the leaves fall and dance in the wind, the smell of fall in the air, getting to hug our girl, getting to cuddle with our youngest, NYC with Kelly and the joy of moving Jack to Nashville.

Sometimes I even find beauty on the internet. I found so many beautiful little treasures on the internet this past month and I wanted to share them.  No affiliates, just wanting to share and I hope they add some beauty to your month too.

Zane Prater teaches on our site and this is a beautiful peek into his studio practice. Click HERE to watch.
A beautiful and sweet reminder that it is truly a wonderful world. Click HERE to watch the video.
If I could wiggle my nose I would fly myself to this current exhibit of Maria Bartuszova at the Tate in London.
Her work in plaster is stunning.
Beautiful fall turmeric tangerine mock or  cocktail by Jenni Kayne. Get the recipe.
You may know I love the work of Francoise Gilot. This is a short interview with her daughter that I had never seen before.
Kelly and I just got back from an extraordinary trip to NYC. One of the restaurants we ate at was Balthazar and I have their playlist on repeat.

Autumn in New York may now be my new favorite thing.

For anyone else that feels the same you will be inspired by this short film by Davis McCutcheon.