I had planned to relaunch Creatively Made Business this winter. We closed registration about a year ago to prepare for this relaunch. I was working on new content/lives/new books etc. to add to the already beautiful curriculum of CMB. I was also pulling together a list of new people I wanted to interview on the podcast after a year long break. As I was starting to plan out the promoting, countdowns, opt-ins, ads etc. everything in me was screaming no. It all felt off. The timing felt wrong. I personally didn’t feel like hitting the ground running in early 2025, let alone talking any of you into it too. I knew my heart needed something soft and slow. I needed art and worship.

Over three years ago I released the list of live workshops that would be in our previous home and studio. The first to know list was notified the night before when registration would open and the registration went live early the next morning. Our live workshops have always sold out very quickly (don’t think I take this for granted) and when I woke up the next morning everything was already sold out or almost sold out. Kelly always wakes up way earlier than me and the first thing he said was, “Want to take a guess what workshop sold out the quickest?”. When he told me it was Art As Worship I was in shock. I had known the timing felt right to me to offer it and I was so thrilled that so many of you felt the same!

Over the past three years we have gone on to offer Art as Worship many more times at our studio and also lead the workshop for multiple other hosts. It was never my plan to offer this workshop online. I worried it wouldn’t translate the same and I was worried it would lose what was vulnerable and powerful. I would get messages repeatedly asking to create an online version and I always would say that wasn’t planned. So, imagine my surprise when everything in me was saying to hold off on CMB and bring forth Art As Worship instead. I knew it was more aligned with where I was and where I knew so many were also.

I actually fought it for a while for many reasons including that Creatively Made Business was finished and buttoned up. I knew what to do and how to offer it. It was the easier choice. It was also the wrong choice.

So, I am starting over with what will be offered this winter and I am saying yes even when it is a little more unknown. Yes to slower. Yes to not hitting the ground running. Yes to listening and being vulnerable. Yes to creating and worship.

If this sounds like the rhythm you are also desiring this winter I would love to have you join me. 

Here is the description:

I hope you will join me for this really special online course where I share how to use your gifts for creativity and worship. I have learned the joy and transformation of making praise and worship a priority in my day to day life. I have also seen the intimacy born from using my gifts as an offering of worship.

I have had the honor of leading Art as Worship live workshops over the last few years and I have seen the incredible change that women have experienced by seeing the worth of their gifts and how they intertwine with the heart of the Lord for them.

The focus will be a beautiful mix of creating, faith, worship, and how to make your life an offering to the Lord. You will leave with a lot of beautiful creations but also a heart that honors the gifts that the Lord has given you and how to use them as worship.

We will be guided with a beautiful workbook to accompany the course and there will be talking videos and creative art videos.

God made us to worship Him, and when we’re not worshipping, we’re stars without light, sun without heat, clouds without water, and birds without song.
~ A. W. Tozer

Techniques Taught

  • You will receive a beautiful downloadable workbook
  • What does worship look like and how can you incorporate it in your day to day
  • How are your gifts an offering of worship
  • How to have heart knowledge and not just head knowledge of Jesus
  • Lessons in capturing the world around your through art
  • Expressive painting inspired by your own worship
  • Create a Paper Mache sculpture and reminder of your faith journey
  • Create a plaster and wire mobile
  • Journal Making
  • Includes 4 live Zoom Q+A Sessions

EARLY REGISTRATION ENDING for Art as Worship with Jeanne Oliver. Early registration is $58 and will go to full price ($98) on January 17th at midnight. The workshop will go live on February 7th @ 5am MT.  This workshop will have 5+ hours of content.  All videos are downloadable, lifetime access* and closed captioned.