The Stone Collective is a community making much of Jesus as we create art, photography, prose, poems or music that commemorate the wonderful things God does in our life.
Based on the passage in 1 Samuel 7:12-14, each month we will collect Ebenezer Stones as a regularly practice in the art of worship via our creativity.
Want to join in on The Stone Collective?
Create your own Stone and link up to LIVE IT OUT! Blog. #TheStoneCollective
When Sarah asked me to participate it was easy to agree because this is completely in alignment with how I want to live for Christ.
I share books I love, artists that inspire, music that moves me, photography that helps capture, friends that encourage and family that makes life beautiful.
I don’t ever want to forget to share what Christ is doing in my life and the beauty that He is adding, enriching, encouraging and the ways that He is moving my heart and mind
We are in the midst of a mini renovation at our home and all of my art supplies have been packed away into the garage and basement for the past three weeks.
If you are a creative person I think you can imagine not getting to one of your favorite things in the world.
I wasn’t sure how I would share creativity with you for this first Collective Stone but it didn’t take long to figure it out.
I was recently hiking with my children here in town on “The Rock” in my town of Castle Rock, Colorado.
The temperature was quickly dropping because snow was on the way and we were not dressed for the dropping temperatures.
We were practically running up and down the paths trying to stay warm and then making it back to the Jeep before the snow came.
We piled into the car laughing and relieved to be warm and made a plan to head straight for Lost Coffee for something hot to drink.
There was a time (not that many years ago) when I thought I wouldn’t see my children grow up.
We didn’t know what was wrong with me but I sure didn’t feel like anyone else I knew and no one could figure out what was wrong.
(If you are new to my blog you can watch a short video HERE)
We are still figuring out some things but I have my life back.
As we were hiking I picked up a few stones on the path as I was thinking about my life now.
I thought of what I have to be thankful for.
Each stone I picked up was a reminder of prayers that the Lord has answered.
Some of these answered prayers are private and some I have shared with you all freely.
I have these stones stacked on my desk as a reminder of this beautiful and messy life.
I collected these literal stones for this first post to remind myself that I CAN!
I can take a hike, read to my kids, travel to see friends, teach, create, work on my marriage, love my family…I CAN!
So many times we can get sidetracked with what we can’t do and need to slow down to appreciate how we can make the most of what we do have.
I may not have had my canvases, studio and paints but I had rocks, a paintbrush and fluid Titanium White paint:-)
What will you do today with what you have?
What will you do today because YOU CAN?
Thank you Sarah for inviting me into this series.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity each month to share the goodness of the Lord and what He is doing in my life through creativity.
Next month I should have my studio put back together but I don’t think paths, rocks, views and children made too shabby of a studio this month.
To see all of the posts about The Stone Collective click HERE.
If you would like to paint some rocks too all you will need are some smooth rocks, a 0 paintbrush and Titanium White fluid paint. I also highly recommend THIS book for inspiration. Have fun!
My story is similar (health stuff too and packed boxes). I have tears in my eyes and joy in my heart! You ALWAYS inspire me. Always!
ps – I’ve been carrying your grey ruffled bag around for about 3-4 years now. It is my reminder that I can. I’m a mush right now. 🙂
Jeanne! I absolutely love that you looked for God and creativity through the hustle and bustle of home rennovation. Thank you for coming alongside of me and joining in on The Stone Collective.
This is a beautiful post from a beautiful heart! It reminds me of the memorial stones the Lord called Israel to gather after certain events and experiences of His greatness so they would remember Him and tell their children of Him and of His exploits on their behalf.
Thanks for the reminder that there are always so many things for which we can thank God! I can praise Him today:-)
As always, your blog has left me with happy tears and a thankful heart. There are few places that are still sacred to me on the web. Yours is one of them. Sending warm, light-filled thoughts to you today.
Hi Jeanne, I love your stones and your heart behind them. Such a blessing that you have your life back! Love reading your posts! erin
Thank you Jeanne! I needed this post today.
Someone called your blog a sacred place in the above comments, what a beautiful compliment! This is such an inspiring post! Maybe I’ll get to participate in the stone collective soon. I would love to. (A couple of your links didn’t work, like the video you mentioned) I’m happy to hear that you are doing well healthwise now. I’m not sure what you’ve experienced but to say it was a TRYING time would be an understatement I’m sure.
Just beautiful. Thank you.