I wanted to tell you real quick that for the next 24 hours we are offering Jennifer Rizzo’s Santos Cage Dolls e-course for only $10 (you have access to the videos for 6 months) .

Fall is the perfect time to get back into creating and Jen’s Santos dolls are incredible and even perfect for decor and gift giving.

I learned so much about using clay and breaking down the face into shapes.

Jen is an amazing teacher and you will love her style, teaching and sense of humor.

Click HERE to read more.

Click HERE to register.


Thank you for all of the comments, emails and sharing on Pinterest over Jack’s new room.

He loves it and that is what is most important.

I have included all the sources for much of his room.

Even though many things were purchased for his room please keep in mind that we were “collecting” for over 6 months.

Luckily, we also live 10 minutes from the only Restoration Hardware outlet in the state.

That helped.

A lot!

With the outlet available we were able to purchase things for Jack’s room that we absolutely wouldn’t have otherwise.

If you have other questions about the room that I didn’t answer please leave a comment here or email me.

If I had to say the number one thing that really makes the room for me it would have to be the paint and molding.

Taking the time and effort to put up the molding was definitely worth it and painting all of the walls, woodwork, bookshelves the same color really pulled it all together.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

I hope you have a wonderful day!


Do you want to be inspired, relaxed, present and encouraged this holiday season?

Join us!

Creatively Made Home {home for the holidays} is now open for registration!

The course begins on October 15th!

We are already busy putting together all of the videos and this course is going to be so fun and inspiring.

I am blown away by the talent in this group and can’t wait for you all to be a part of it.

To read more click HERE.

To register click HERE.

You can also register by paying below.