Each year one of our favorite ways to celebrate and prepare for this semi-annual sale is to create countdown images. We have so much fun as a family coming up with new ideas to photograph. This year we thought it was only fitting to share a little peek into our huge decision to sell our beautiful home, studio and land and move into a mid century that stole our hearts over eight years ago. We feel like our lives, hearts, creativity and future offerings are in the biggest transitions and we are just as expectant, as many of you are, for what is next.

I will be sharing more videos, photos and words soon of what we are letting go of and what we are choosing to pick up. I know so many of you are in this same season and I am honored to be traveling this road along side you. I am holding your hand just as you are holding mine.

Over a 1000 of you have gathered in our home for so many different live events and workshops so, to start our countdown I wanted to share this space empty and ready for the family that will fill it up again. This was taken one of the final days of moving completely into our new home. We are so tired in this photo but also so excited for what is next. I have always felt like this creative journey has only been possible because we are journeying together so I wanted to also, in the days and months ahead, share more of the behind the scenes.

But let’s get on with it and celebrate that our semi-annual 50% off sale will begin in 3 days!


We also have added a WISHLIST feature!

You can now add any course to your WISHLIST. Start looking through our courses (we have over 160 art, lifestyle and business courses to choose from) and find the course you want to take before the sale even begins! Everything will be ready for you when the sale begins and you are ready for checkout.


  1. Go to a course page, click on buy product and at the bottom you will see ADD TO WISHLIST.
  2. At any time you can see all of the course you have added to your WISHLIST by going to your account page.



If you are not a part of our network THIS is the time to make sure you are subscribed to our NEWSLETTER and to create an account on our CREATIVE NETWORK (free to create an account).

When you see the countdown coming that means our semi-annual 50% off sale is almost here!

THREE MORE DAYS until the sale begins and EVERY course on our site is included in the sale!



This sale allows you to buy as many online courses as you want and our courses are downloadable, lifetime access and also include closed captioning!


The sale will begin on Monday, June 3rd @ 6am MT