[Within the past two weeks we have packed up a home, moved outside of town onto acreage, unpacked, started to make a house a home, went to the Daddy Daughter Ball and drank a lot of coffee]

It seems that with the busyness of life, family and business that I don’t choose to write out my thoughts here as often. My free time now may be a late night walk, cuddling up on the couch, sitting with a teen at the kitchen counter or very likely heading to bed early. I am so ok with this change but as I began to type it was surprising how out of practice I have become at writing out my thoughts here.

Nothing has shown me that we are in the next stage of life, marriage and parenthood like this past year. Our home is full of social lives that aren’t mine, beginning stages of so many things that we are still trying to figure out , a business that is growing strong and beautiful and learning how to balance and navigate all of that, children that seem to need us so much more than the ages when we thought they needed us the most and a marriage that has to find its way in the midst of these years. I find myself exhausted some evenings but making the choice to find my way out of the fog to spend time, drive or connect when I thought I had nothing left. This parenting teens and a 9 year old gig is not for the weak of heart yet in the same breath I am totally smitten with their fierce sense of humor, their willingness to talk to me, their hand holding and cuddles when they are willing and seeing glimpses of who they are becoming. It is an exhausting and beautiful privilege and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

My time and energy is spent right where it needs to be but I am also realizing that I still have a deep and strong love of writing and I want to share it outside of just my online courses or live workshops.

I just wanted you to know where I have been and that I would love to find my weekly voice here again in an authentic way that fits my changing days.

Love to you,



For those of you that love our online courses I wanted you to know that TODAY is the last day to get the early registration price on Danielle Donaldson’s newest watercolor course All Creatures Lovely and Small.

If you took Scribble Art and loved it (I think that was everyone) you will not want to miss Julie Johnson’s newest online class Making Art Sing!  It begins tomorrow and it is going to be so beautiful and rich!  We would love to have you join us!

To read more about what you will learn in the course or to register please click HERE.

If you are new to our creative network here are easy steps to get you started…

1. Register at jeanneoliver.ning.com (this is free).

2. Once your account is active you are able to take advantage of our free courses, series and even pay for courses.

3. Go to jeanneoliver.ning.com and along the top header click on “COURSES” and you will be able to view all three pages of online courses and free series.

4. To purchase a course please choose your course, click on the +join in the upper right hand corner, pay and you will be INSTANTLY in the classroom.

5. All videos can be found along the right hand side of the page under “COURSE CONTENT”.

*as long as we manage this site