I always love those weeks when you notice some of the little things that make you happy as your days go by.

Sometimes they aren’t really the big things…but they bring you joy just the same.

We are in our second week of school and I am thankful for the routine and so are they.

I love cuddling up with Benjamin and hearing him read.  We did that…together.  I will cherish that my whole life.

I have been listening to this new CD.  I love that the kids have their favorite songs and request certain numbers.

Every morning when I pour my cup of coffee I reach for the same turquoise mug.

It is big and the color makes me happy.

I have had those phone conversations with true friends this week that leave you smiling all day.

The kind of friendships that make you feel safe.  Understood.  Cherished.  I hope you have had those kinds of phone calls this week too.

They are precious.

I have had many late nights lately.  So, after the kids are tucked in bed I get to work.

I love the nights when my work can still happen while catching up on my movies.

This week I  watched The Conspirator….soooooo good!  My husband fell asleep but I love historical movies.

Robin Wright Penn was absolutely amazing.

Last night I watched the new Jane Eyre.

I can’t help but love time period movies.

I am a sucker for everything about them.

I thought the acting was incredible in this one too.

Tonight I watched Something Borrowed.

A lot of movies this week…I know!

I laughed so hard at the dance scene…I woke my kids up.

I think I cried a million times too.

I read the book and loved it…and honestly it is totally not my kind of book.

Someone said the movie was too different from the book but I read it so long ago I don’t even remember!

Maddy and I got pedicures this past weekend and our toes are lookin’ pretty fine!

Maddy’s nails are all dolled up a bright blue but I am sportin’ OPI “My Own Private Jet”.

My friend, Amy Jo, turned me on to it and it is my new favorite.

It may just replace “Lincoln Park After Dark”:-)

I don’t have the photos to prove it but I have had one of those weeks that just makes me fall deeper in love with my husband.

I like gifts and all but I feel the most loved when Kelly spends time with me and acts of service.

All of the prints that people order every week….Kelly is the one that prints and cuts ALL of them.

We ship A LOT of prints each week.

I came home from my time with Maddy and friends and Kelly had built me a whole packing station for our shop.

We have really needed this and because we need to hire someone this was perfect timing.

All day today I stood at this new area he has built and it made my happy all day.

These are the things that make me feel truly loved.

And not to get all mushy with you guys….but YOU!

I have had one of those weeks when I have to pinch myself because I get to create for a living.

I get to be home with my children AND run a business.

I get emails every day telling me how much you love your purchases and how you will tell all your friends…and you do!

Thank you!

That is my week so far.

It is the nothing…the simple…mixed with the amazing.

I love it all!

What are you lovin” right now?