It was hard saying goodbye to the Chateau and all of the amazing people we had met.

Jackie, Rachel, Anne, Alexis, Chantal and I headed to the train station for our (long) trip to Paris.

Alexis and Chantal would be catching a flight the next morning.

Anne was staying on in Paris for a few days.

Rachel, Jackie and I had a hotel in Paris for the next four days.

If you could have seen all of us trying to get our luggage to the train platform in Montauban you would have laughed so hard….I hope you would have helped us…because we looked pathetic.

I was out of breathe and sweating once I finally made it to the platform…and then trying to act like it was no big deal that I just lugged 5,000 pounds up multiple flights of stairs.

I have video footage but some of the content is not suitable for young children…or adults.

Once we all made it onto the train it was a long…long…long ride to Paris.

Once we got there Rachel, Jackie and I had to find a cab kind enough to take us AND our luggage (I promise that the next time I travel I am bringing one suitcase…I promise that the next time I travel I am bringing one suitcase…I promise….).

As our cab was taking us through the city I had tears in my eyes at the beauty of Paris.

It was breathtaking!

It was hard to believe that I was actually looking at this city with my own eyes.

I have felt this emotion many times in my travels.

Whether it has been the architecture, history, mountains…natural beauty and man made can be so incredibly beautiful that it is overwhelming.

Our hotel was so lovely and on such a gorgeous, tree lined street.

As we were being escourted to our room we passed the courtyard setting up for dinner.


We quickly dropped off our luggage and set off to explore the city.

We decided to start with an early dinner because of the long train ride and being famished.

Anne was able to meet up with us (I was so sad to not see Alexis ONE. MORE. TIME).

After dinner we just walked and walked trying to take it all in.










When our heads hit the pillows we were exhausted and ready for the flea market in the morning!