
Why do we sometimes have to slow down enough to realize how richly we have been blessed?


This thankfulness can come from reading about a stranger that has lost a loved one, hearing about a friend that just lost their job, seeing a homeless man at a stoplight.

Sometimes it even comes in the midst of your own hurt.

Maybe it comes as you watch someone you love taking their last breathes…and you are thankful for their life.

Thankful for those that loved you and you loved

Thankful that there is more after this life.

Sometimes your thankfulness comes from watching a movie that touches your heart so deeply that you notice the world differently.

I watched Pursuit of Happyness for the first time this week.

I can not imagine being homeless and then homeless with a child.

I appreciated our home …these walls even more.


These walls hold safe the ones that I love.


Walls that keep us protected, warm and dry at night.


Windows that shake with the winds but keep the cold and wind out.


Blankets that are wrapped around us and bring warmth.


A refrigerator that is full of food…especially right now. 


So my heart is so content and so very thankful for….

 A studio full of paint and canvases.

 A husband that loves and respects me deeply.

A husband that cherishes his family and children. 

He has never once made us ever think that we are a burden….He lets us know that we are his dream too!

Children that have always been my hearts desire.

A home that protects this family of mine.

Good jobs that provide.

A God that has given us everything yet never demands our love..He gives us a choice.

Friends that encourage, laugh and cry with me.

Family that has loved me from the beginning.

There are so many things I am thankful for…but contentment starts right here.

It starts in my heart.  Within me.  It then stretches out to my marriage and children.


I love Thanksgiving because it is all about opening the doors of your home, welcoming those you love and remembering and being thankful for this life (even when life is hard). 


I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family.  If you are alone this holiday I hope you find joy in that day and enjoy that time all alone to take walks, create, read or cuddle up and watch your favorite movie.


I hope your heart is content and so, so thankful!
