With a $200 camcorder we created our first online art course and made over $35,000 by the time the course started.
That was 13 years ago and it changed everything with our business and put us on a new path with our creativity. I almost missed it though!
When I had that first idea for my own online art course I kept wondering “what do I have to offer that is different?” and “what sets me apart?” and “why would people pay for this course when they can learn so much for free on YouTube?” and so many other questions.
When I got clear about what makes me unique and how to not only embrace it but how to leverage it to set me apart… it gave me the confidence to move forward BOLDLY. Are you leveraging what makes YOU unique? You have beautiful gifts, passions and a calling that has everything to do with what sets YOU apart!
So often you see a business years in and you may not know the simple beginnings.
Right now I hope this is a reminder to start where you are with what you have because there is so much power in just beginning!
On Monday we are opening up Creatively Made Business for the first time in over a year and a half! I will be complimenting the video content and gorgeous workbook with live Q+A consulting sessions, podcasts, book club and bonus content!
Early registration pricing will open on Monday and the 6 week online business course will begin on March 21!
Go to creativelymadebusines.com and get on the first to know list!