Isn't it just heartbreaking sometimes to be a mom?  My youngest one is two.  My husband wanted to take all the children to a huge ski show in Denver.  I was fine about the two older ones, but I thought bringing the youngest would be too much…..would they watch him….ok, you get the idea.  After three children my husband knows that I am a little bit of a freak about the kids when they are little.  When Benjamin started to cry, "Go in daddy's truck",  I knew I had lost the battle.  Benjamin was so excited.  It was as if he knew he was doing a big boy thing.  He ran up to his room, let me change his clothes, put on his own hat, got a bag to put all his trains in, grabbed his blankie and headed downstairs.  As soon as his feet touched the main floor he looked at me and said, "All ready.  Go bye bye.  Bye, bye mommy".  I ran and got the camera because he looked so big and so delicious.  I could eat this kid for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Sometimes it is hard to let them get big…… 









Don't worry…he came back home all safe and sound….just like I knew he would:-)