{the camera wasn’t picked up much and when it was the lighting was horrible…but I still wanted to share}

We all have little traditions that just make special days….special.

I didn’t grow up with a mom that stressed out about Christmas.  She didn’t run us everywhere and didn’t feel like she had to spend money she didn’t have.

A lot of our time was spent at home.

I definitely remember the excitement of pulling all the decorations out of the attic on Thanksgiving evening.

I couldn’t wait to decorate the tree and to see gifts appear under the branches.

My mom was happy to have me take over because it didn’t matter to her how things were put together or decorated. Lucky me.

Christmas was Christ.

Sure, we got presents and ate too much sugar but we knew…really knew….why were were celebrating.

Christmas Eve was church, opening one special gift, reading the nativity story and singing carols.

Christmas Eve is my favorite part of the season.

It brings it all full circle and makes it so real.

I love being surrounded by others singing about the birth of Christ.

It takes my breath away to think about the night sky full of angels declaring the birth of a king.

The whole sky.

Can you even imagine?

I love coming home and spending time with family.

Eating good food, talking and laughing.

I love the excitement the children have waiting to open their few special gifts.

My children get the same gifts each Christmas Eve so their excitement over new pajamas and book is pretty sweet.

One of the sweetest of gifts is that two of my three children play the piano beautifully.

It is the nicest way to end the evening singing carols with my own children providing the music.

(One of these days I WILL learn the guitar and play along with them)

Mom, thank you for all you poured into us.

Thank you for the attention to what truly matters.

The traditions that we are passing on to our children come from you.

The kids were so excited that they wanted to all sleep together in the same room.

They all had agreed that whomever woke up first had to wake everyone else up.

We were lucky….our children didn’t wake us up until 7am.

My sister’s children woke them up at 2:30am……but Christmas day is for another post.


11 more days until Creatively Made {rediscovering the beauty of your gifts} begins!

I am soooo excited.

We still have so much work to do but I am giddy as I am doing it.

I can’t wait for you to see all the videos, guest videos, art projects etc.

You can see a quick video below.

Creatively Made E-Course from Jeanne Oliver on Vimeo.