Creative Girl | The Land of Light and Shadows with Danielle Donaldson

Course Description
Please join Danielle for a romp with watercolors and white pens and all sorts of creative shenanigans into The Land of Light and Shadows.
Once upon a time there was a tiny-ish girl who loved to cut, draw, and paint. She saw things in the sunshine and shadows that other people never seemed to notice. She bounced all that wonderfulness around inside her noggin for a bit, and out popped magical pieces of art that told her stories when words couldn’t.
Danielle Donaldson is that girl, and guess what? She wants to share a part of her creativeSTORY with you.
The Land of Light and Shadow with Danielle (aka creativeGIRL) will inspire you to add depth to your work by using a bunch of super fun techniques. You’ll play with all sorts of mediums including pencil and pen work, watercolors, acrylics and patterned paper creating yummy layers. And just when you think you are done, you’ll practice adding highlights and tucking in shadows here and there to make your art sparkle. Sounds awesome, right?