Our newest Creativity Takes Courage interview starts right now!


For those of you that are new to the blog I want to tell you a little bit about the free series.

A year ago we expanded our creative network to offer free videos, new online courses, live “chats” and now interviews with courageous lovelies from around the world.

My first interview of the Creativity Takes Courage series was with the amazing Stephanie Lee.

The February interview was with my good friend Melody Ross.

The March interview was with the lovely Edie Wadsworth.

The April interview was with my friend across the ocean Pamela DuMont.

The May interview was with the funny and open hearted Shannan Martin.

The June interview was creative Christy Tomlinson!

We took the summer off and the November interview was with entrepreneur extraordinaire Marian Parsons.

The January 2014 interview was the super talented Danielle Donaldson.

Our February 2014 interview was with my functional medicine doctor Dr. Shamanie Haneca.


This month I got to interview my good friend Courtney Walsh.

I have known Courtney as long as I can remember.  She was good friends with my sister when they were in elementary school and there is that whole thing about my crush on her brother:-)

I love so much that Courtney is a part of my life again and that we have the same heart about our faith, family, our gifts and our desire to encourage and support other women.

If you love to write, want to write, have book ideas floating around in your head or just want to know how to get started writing I know you will love this interview.

Courtney has written a New York Times best seller book and she shares her knowledge freely.

Come and sit down with us!


To watch the video you just need to be registered at jeanneoliver.ning.com (registering is free).

Once you are on the site you will find this series, free videos (business and art) and new online courses along the left hand side of the page.

You will find all of our courses/videos under the COURSES heading.

If you want to watch Courtney’s video:

1) Go to COURSES along the left hand side of the page

2) Click on Creativity Takes Courage {interviews with courageous friends}

3) Click the +join button on the upper right hand side

4) All of the details are on the page and you are all set.

Tell your friends!

We want to create an online community where you can create, connect and be inspired.

Come on over and check out the interview!


It is hard to believe but this week is the final week of new content for Studying Under The Masters!

This has been the largest online course we have done to date (nine weeks) and I have never seen a group create art out of a course like this before!

I am so grateful to all the amazing teachers that joined me in the course and so in awe of the talent of the students.

If you would like to have access to this course for two years (all weeks are now instantly available) click HERE and get started.

It may just change how your see your world and your creative gifts:-)

This week Christy Tomlinson is studying under Henry Clive…come and make art with us!