I am constantly in awe of the beauty that is all around me if I have my eyes open to it.
Sometimes I find it as I am going to sleep knowing all of my kids are home, watching our children become their own beautiful people, getting my studio ready for my creative wintering season, strapping the Christmas trees to the top of our car, prayers being answered (and even when they are not), and reading a book during my lunch time that I don’t want to end.
Sometimes I even find beauty on the internet. I found so many beautiful little treasures on the internet this past month and I wanted to share them. No affiliates, just wanting to share and I hope they add some beauty to your month too.
Come and get the recipe for a beautiful winter fruit salad by Leanne Citrone HERE.
My friend Carolyn Peeler of Prone to Wander Retreats has created a beautiful Italian Christmas playlist HERE.
Art, music, poetry from around the world for each day of Advent HERE.
Come and learn how to make a holiday wreath with Leanne Ford HERE.
Jan McCarthy shares how to beautifully wrap your gifts with handmade wrapping paper. Very Fun. Watch HERE.
Jeanne, Thank you for sharing these inspirational resources. The article by Art & Theology is excellent. I am savoring each day of advent with their examples of art, music and poetry from around the world. Doesn’t it stir your heart to experience God through the arts.
Keep Magnifying the Lord!
Pam Holladay
You are so welcome! We love creating these for you!