One of the sweetest parts of what I have the joy of doing is seeing something so beautiful and unique in an artist and asking them to share it with all of you. When I first saw the work of Leslie Rottner I couldn’t help but come back to look at it again and again. The more she shared her work the more I knew it was different and set apart. When you see that in an artist it is exciting and makes you want to be apart of the story they are telling in some small way. Leslie brings collage to such a powerful level with her keen eye for composition and design and lucky for us, she is going to share what she knows to inspire us to bring our own story into what we have to tell. How will you interpret the techniques that Leslie will share?

Join me in welcoming Leslie Rottner to our creative community! Leslie’s course, Creative Collage, is still available for early registration (but only until tomorrow).

Early registration is still available for Creative Collage with Leslie Rottner! 3.75+ hours of course content, lifetime* access and an early registration price of $32. The price will change to $48 on August 25th @ 10 pm MST and the course will go live on September 25th, 2018.

Creative Collage with Leslie Rottner

From Leslie Rottner…

I remember the feeling of getting out my construction paper, grabbing magazines, and reaching for the glue when I was in grade school. I loved that process then, and I still find it thrilling. It never gets old. When I first started down this path I searched for information that would get me started but I wasn’t able to find exactly what I was looking for. In creating this course I kept that in mind. My desire was to have content that explored creating a collage from start to finish.

In this course you will explore:
1.Substrates and supplies
2.Gathering collage material
3.Making your own collage papers
4.Working in a series
5.Layering paper, paint, and marks
6. Finishing touches
7. Sealing
8. Mounting and hanging

My hope is that with these tools, and your discovery of what you as an artist are drawn to, amazing art will be made.Creative Collage

Come and Watch The Course Trailer



To read more or to register for this course please click HERE.
If you have any questions about the course please contact here at
See you in class!

If this is your first course with us or you are a longtime member we want to share how easy it is to find out more, register, see the supply list and share with your friends.

1. Come and read all about the new course HERE.
2. If you think your friends would love this course we would be beyond honored to have you share the promo video. We have included all of the social media links under the video to make it easy. You can also directly share the course page. You do not have to be a member of this site to see what we have to offer! LOVE THIS!
3. We also have over 100 other courses and to see what we are offering you can go directly to and then click on courses.
4. All of our courses are pre-recorded so you can watch at your convenience. The best part is that you have lifetime* access.
5. If you have any questions about the course please contact here at

*As long as we manage the creative network