
I’m baacccckkkkkk!

I have to say…this little Friday thing has me working on things I have been meaning to do for awhile now.

This project was super simple and EASY.

I have been wanting to take my cabinet (that I keep my china and some of my ironstone) and put vintage sheet music along the back.


Once again I had no rhyme or reason and just started applying the sheets (surprise, surprise).

I used my Xryon machine and the re-positionable cartridge because I am a girl that can change my mind.


You could also use Modge Podge or any other adhesive you are comfortable with.

I cut different sizes of the vintage sheet music and started applying them until the whole back of the cabinet was covered.

It only took about an hour and I love how it turned out.



I am already SUPER excited about my project for next Friday!!!

This next project will take a little more time and effort.

I think I can do it in a day…which means I will be working on it all week:-)

Anyone else ever UNDERESTIMATE project times??