I love looking for gifts for people I love throughout the year and it is the most fun to share some of our favorite things that we use in our day to day life.

I love being surrounded by things that are beautiful and useful. I believe the two can go together and I have gathered some really wonderful gift ideas to give your favorite creative.


1. I don’t know the volume of clothes I have destroyed over the years with paint and other art supplies. I mean to stay clean but it never happens. I now have a paint coverall that stays out in my studio and overalls in the house that I put on before heading out to the studio just for painting. It has also become huge for me mentally because when I put on these “painting clothes” I am even telling myself mentally that it is time to create and show up. And the clothes look really beautiful all covered in paint.

2. One of my favorite posters of all time and I love it so much that it is one of the first things you see coming into our kitchen.

3. I usually have a stack of books I am reading out in the studio, next to my side of the bed and then in the library. Books have been bringing me joy since I could read and I love giving and receiving them. If you are looking for an awesome book for truly anyone in your life this year THIS is a good one.

4. In my studio there are the brushes for the kids, brushes we offer to students at a workshop and then there are my brushes that are hidden so no one borrows them. My favorite brushes are Rosemary and Co. and I love that they have a wide range of pricing options. Take care of your brushes and don’t share:-)

5. I think all homes and all studios need a kettle. Whether you are talking with friends, warming up or pondering the next brushstroke I think two hands around a warm cup of tea is pretty perfect.

6. You don’t have to be an artist to love the textures and colors found in art supplies. One of the easiest ways to bring in both to your work are pastels and we are fortunate enough to have near us Terry Ludwig Pastels. So yummy!

7. Music! We have Sonos speakers in our home and studio so we can connect to Spotify but we also have a turntable in both too. Nothing beats going through your vinyl, picking the right one, putting the needle down and then the little crackle every once in a while. I also love how it invites our friends to get to pick what we play next too.

8. Vintage bowls and pots are all over my studio holding my favorite supplies. I have found wonderful pieces at different vintage shows and in my travels. If we are going to use something everyday why shouldn’t it be lovely?

9. I believe every person should keep a book, journal and pencil in their bag. You never know when you will get a few minutes to read, write, or sketch and this way you are prepared. Being prepared has made the biggest impact in my creativity and joy of life. Too often I could have turned to my phone without that simple pad of paper.

10. If you want to give someone (or yourself) a boost of creativity this coming year one of our gift cards is perfect and fun! You can get the gift card, print it out, buy a few supplies (or a gift card to a local art supply store) and your favorite creative will be so happy.

11. Beautiful handcrafted artist supplies are my favorite to use and give. There is always a constant source of inspiration over at Peg and Awl! I have purchased their products for years, carry them in our shop and studio and use them daily.

12. What studio is complete without an apron that can get covered in paint! I say start with an extra beautiful one and get creating!





Disclosure of Material Connection: Some or all of the links in this post are affiliate links.  This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission and we are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  And as always, we only share the links to products that we actually use and love.