There may have been something to the verse, “Be still and know that I am God”.

Be still!

I guess 2,000 years ago mankind was too busy too:-)

Yesterday I found myself in an unusually situation.

I was taking Jack to a composition class and the other two were home with Kelly.

I had accidentally left my journal (gasp) and iphone (double gasp) on the counter at home.

I don’t go anywhere…I mean ANYWHERE without my phone and journal.

If we hadn’t been running later (shocker) I would have turned around but I didn’t have any time to spare.

I have to admit that I constantly felt like I was missing something without my phone on me.

I think I MAY have an addiction problem to my phone.

After I dropped Jack off for his class I quickly went to run an errand and found myself with about 15 minutes before his class was out.

15 minutes.


I have no phone.

I have no journal.

Nice grass.

I need a manicure.

The kids really need to clean out this car.

What is that smell?

After I wasted a minute and realized I had nothing to really do I thought how I never have no kids with me, real quiet, no phone……I didn’t have ANY distractions!

I decided to pray.

Even though I feel like I talk to the Lord and pray throughout the day I have to be honest that I am not always quiet for a response.

Maybe that is life with young children.

Maybe that is all my doing and talking.

Whatever the reason I am the kind of person that has to be completely without distractions to focus.  Really focus.

The other mother waiting for her own son may have stared at me off and on the whole time.  May.

Luckily I was a little incognito with my sunglasses on so no one would think I was dead.

I closed my eyes and just asked the Lord to speak to me.

I promised that I would be quiet and even try REAL HARD not to talk too.

Sorry, I have a talking problem:-)

It was the sweetest 15 minutes.

So many things were spoken into my spirit.

The Lord pointed something out about what were are going through with my mom and dad’s divorce and I had never consciously realized it but it was true.

Something that I would only now even admit to a few because it is not pretty about me.

I was not scolded.  I was gently revealed something that will change so much in my heart.

I guess I wanted to write this in the first place because we are so busy and I hear people all of the time say they wish the Lord would tell them this or that.  That the Lord would direct their path.  That they wish they would have a clear answer.

Folks…are you quiet?

I’m not.

There are so many things that I KNOW the Lord wants to reveal to me through His word but also through me slowing down and shutting my mouth!

I need to leave my phone at home more often.

I need to take a walk by myself WITHOUT the music.

Those few minutes in the day when you only have enough time to check your Facebook account or pray…Pray.

Be still.

I have realized over the past few years that I hear the Lord in the shower.

Could it be because it the only place He can get my attention?

It that really the only place that I am not distracted?

How long had the Lord been trying to talk to me and I couldn’t even hear Him?

I hope you “accidentally”  leave  your phone at home the next time you are running errands by yourself.

When you are quiet all kinds of good stuff happens.