Life is funny and we are often pulled by expectations, dreams, status quo and sometimes even fear.

I never planned to homeschool our children and as I look back over our homeschool journey so far I can sometimes be surprised we chose to do this crazy thing that has usually felt comfortable and natural and freeing.

There are many things that are not for everyone and I have never thought that there is only one way to teach children.  I sure as heck don’t think that homeschooling is better than other forms of other education. But for whatever reason…it has been better for us!

Our past 10 years of officially homeschooling has been filled with uncertainty, a million questions, joy, pajama filled mornings, coffee (lots of coffee), tears, hikes, adventures, more tears, cuddles, laughter (more than I could have ever imagined), talks that I will treasure for the rest of my life, day time symphonies, ballets, plays, documentaries, reading scripture together and raised voices. There have been more days than I can count that I thought I wasn’t up to the challenge but more days when I wouldn’t have traded it for anything. There have been days if a bus had pulled up to the front of our home that I would have pushed my kids on it and never looked back.  There have been more days than I will ever be able to count that I have laughed until tears were streaming down my face with my children and other days when we were all frustrated with tears dropping to the floor.  This homeschooling thing has been one of the best adventures I have ever been a part of. It has been hard and beautiful and character building and precious all at the same time.

Last summer I thought that we were done with homeschooling and that another door was opening.  Sometimes things don’t turn out like you think.  I hope you will join me tomorrow for a little more of our story.

You can hear more about my story with homeschooling in the online class Learning Well: an essentials course to homeschooling.  This course is being taught by Alicia Hutchinson and has many extra guests that will be sharing their experiences and advice.  I wish I had had something like this online course so many years ago and I am honored to offer it on my creative network.

This course is for the curious, the beginner, the family that needs to be inspired all over again and the schooling parent that wants to supplement their children’s education.  This course is also for the homeschooler wondering how to educate more than one child, what comes after elementary school and the family that wants a supportive network to hold you up in the day to day.

Tomorrow (March 31, 2015) is the LAST day for early registration for this course!  You will be lavished by Alicia and the rich content that this course has to offer.

To read more about the course or to register follow THIS link.