I have days when I feel tired, distracted, lazy, not creative.

There are days when I procrastinate and waste time with everything but what needs to get done.

There are days that I want to be by myself and not help anyone with anything.

What I have learned about myself is that first of all….I can’t do it all.

I can’t.

When I am amazing at one thing that usually means that everything else fell to the wayside.

What I also know is that no matter how I feel…..

When I SHOW UP that is when the magic happens.

There are many Sundays that I feel too tired to go to church.

When I SHOW UP I always leave feeling refreshed and leave with a new perspective.  I never leave thinking that was a waste of time.

There are so many days when I don’t have the motivation to workout.

When I SHOW UP I finish feeling stronger, more focused and healthy.  I feel accomplished and I am always proud of myself for doing it.

There are days when I don’t want to color or play a game with the kids.

I will have a list a mile long in my head of what I want to get done.

When I SHOW UP and drop that list of mine…I am present and I have blessed my children.

There are nights when I feel like getting into my pjs instead of going out to coffee/dinner etc with friends and when I SHOW UP I always…always leave with a smile on my face and looking forward to our next time together.

There are days when I need to connect with my  husband and when I SHOW UP I make our marriage stronger.  When I think about him and not me….good things always come from it.

There are days when  I want to create.  I have most likely wanted to all day and when I finally have time it is 8:00 at night and all of my energy and creativity feels gone.

When I SHOW UP…even for an hour or two…I am AMAZED at what comes out of me when I JUST SHOW UP.

That is all my creativity, energy, motivation, love, faith, parenting, friendships,marriage is asking…