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Supply List

Basic Supply List:
Watercolor Paints (professional grade, tube paints are highly recommended). I am providing my current 24 palette colors but about 12 colors would be a good start (2 of each of the primary colors red, yellow and blue…1 each of secondary colors violet, green and orange…and maybe a few neutral colors of your choice + a color for the value painting lesson mentioned below.
My 24 palette colors I’ll be using in class.  All Daniel Smith brand unless noted:
Cinereous Blue (Aquarelle)
 + Indigo (or) Sepia (or) Neutral Tint or any richly pigmented paint for monochromatic value painting lesson
Paint Palette
(The ones I’ll be using in class are a small Schminke metal travel palette that I’ve converted to hold 24 half pans and the larger Alvin Heritage Palette which has 24 color wells.)
Paint Brushes
Round Brushes: (Purchase the best quality you can afford. The brands I currently like are Escoda Versatil Size 6, 8, or 10.  Escoda Perla Size: 6, 8 or 10. You can find both versions in travel brushes or with standard handles.)
1/2” flat brush
1/2” natural bristle brush from hardware store (cheaper the better)
Refillable water brush (I don’t use these much due to water control but they are an option)
Liner Brush (Size 0 or 2)
The brands I have tried and like are Moleskin, Stillman & Birn Alpha Series or Handbooks. I use cold press paper and sizes approximately 5” x 8”. We’ll also be creating color wheels, etc on larger sheets of watercolor paper.  You can pick up inexpensive pads or blocks like Strathmore cold press, 140 lb, 300 gsm at craft or art stores. Arches is an excellent brand too.  I’ll also be doing a lesson in a mixed media journal.  I like the Ranger Dylusions small size but the larger one will work also.
Waterproof black pen (I use a Lamy Safari fountain pen with waterproof Noodler’s Black Ink & converter and a Platinum Carbon Desk Fountain Pen with waterproof refill cartridges). You can also use disposalble pens like Microns.
Other supplies:
mechanical pencil & refill lead or regular lead pencil
binder clips or bullnose clips (to secure pages in sketchbook)
spray bottle (from beauty section or Ranger Mini Mister)
water cup or collapsible water cup for travel
paper towels(Viva has no patterns or colors) or clean rags (I like to cut up old t-shirts)
small ink pad and date stamp (totally optional but a standard in my bag)
scratch tools-palette knife, toothpick, skewers, old credit card, toothbrush, sharpened twig
Note: I’ll be showing you additional options for supplies in the some videos, however I don’t want to overwhelm you and/or have you purchase supplies you may not need to begin with.  Purchasing art supplies is fun but start with the basics and build from there slowly. Pace yourself, guys.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some or all of the links in this supply list are affiliate links.  This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission and we are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please note that we only share the supplies listed by the teacher in this course.  As always, our heart is to encourage you to use what you already have and, when we suggest products, we only share supplies that we use and endorse.