Daydreams and Window Light: Supply List - Jeanne Oliver

Supply List

I would love for you to please supplies that you have on hand before you go out and buy anything new! I have made books out of watercolor scraps before and they turn out wonderfully.
It is a great idea for you watch the videos first, that will give you an idea of what I am using, and if you have something else that might work as well!

Coldpress Watercolor Paper (any kind, I use Khadi Paper)
Book Cover: 6″ x 8.5″ tall
Inside page: 6.5″ x 8.5″ tall
Liquitex Matte Medium
Liquitex Modeling Paste
White Gesso
Glue Stick
Acrylic paints
Favorite paint brushes
Putty knife or scraper
Straight edge
China Marker
Large eyed tapestry needle to sew through paper
Embroidery thread
Collage and fabric scraps
26 gauge wire
Thin Metal Sheets (I am using Spellbinders)
Wire brush sandpaper or scouring pad
*Deli Paper or light weight paper (I am using 12″x12″)
Golden Hi-Flow Acrylic Paints (Watercolor paints could work for a substitution)

My stencil designs at Stencil Girl
Circles in the Sand
Forest Floor
Bare Trees

I mention Paulus Berensohn in one of my videos and his words on building a book was like building a book:
Here is a link to one of his videos.


You can choose to print the supply list below!

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some or all of the links in this supply list are affiliate links.  This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission and we are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please note that we only share the supplies listed by the teacher in this course.  As always, our heart is to encourage you to use what you already have and, when we suggest products, we only share supplies that we use and endorse.