Draw & See: Supply List - Jeanne Oliver

Supply List

Six 8×8” cradled wood panels
Hotpress watercolor paper (140 lb or heavier)
Large sheets of drawing paper or newsprint
Graphite drawing pencils (2B, 4B, 6B)
Charcoal pencils (black and white)
C Black Micron pen (01 03 or 05)
White Posca paint pen (fine tip)
Compressed charcoal sticks
Vine or willow charcoal
Kneadable eraser
Compressed charcoal sticks
Kneadable eraser
Plastic eraser
Acrylic gel medium (soft)
Workable fixative spray
Final fixative spray
Acrylic gesso, white
Acrylic heavy body paints (in colors you love)
Acrylic fluid paints (in colors you love)
Watercolor paints
Semi-hard pastel sticks (in colors you love)
Assorted paintbrushes
Large soft brush, inexpensive
Spray bottle for water


Gold leaf
Oil bar, antique gold
Vintage papers
Sewing machine
Texture tools for acrylic paints and mediums

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some or all of the links in this supply list are affiliate links.  This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission and we are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please note that we only share the supplies listed by the teacher in this course.  As always, our heart is to encourage you to use what you already have and, when we suggest products, we only share supplies that we use and endorse.