Painting the Light: Supply List - Jeanne Oliver

Watercolor paper 140lb (any size, I will use 8 x 10 Arches rough and cold pressed)
Watercolor art journal ( I am using Strathmore 400 series 8.5in x 5.5 in)
Watercolor paints (use what you have or I have listed the colors I use below)
Watercolor brushes, rounds in size 8 and 12
2 water cups
A Plate or palette for paints
Paper towels
Masking tape
A camera if you wish to create your own compositions or you can use the photographs I supply
My color palette (Note: See my video on setting up a palette)
Brand: Daniel Smith or Winsor & Newton
Colors: Indigo, Red Violet, Raw Sienna, Quin Gold, Perelene Green, Antwerp Blue or Ultramarine, Olive or Sap Green, Burnt Sienna, Pyrole Orange


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