Specimens of the Secret Forest: Supply List - Jeanne Oliver

Supply List

¼ yard unbleached muslin fabric
¼ yard Cheesecloth
6×6 inches square of Velvet in the color of your choice
Beige thread
Brown embroidery floss
Fabric Scissors
Sewing pins
Long needle (3” or longer) and regular sewing needles
Acrylic paint in white, black, yellow, blue and red.
Detail brush
Brown colored pencil
PVA glue
Aluminum foil
Wood stick (flat if possible)
Masking tape
Polymer clay in the color of skin of your choice (I’m using light)
Sculpting tools (I recommend size 0)
Sandpaper super fine 320 grit
Watercolor paper
Watercolor brush (a round size 8 is my favorite)
Regular Pencil with eraser
Dip pen and black ink or black felt tip pen in size 05

Polymer clay knife
Rolling pin
Green wool
Felting needle
Sewing machine
Pinking shears
High gloss varnish or Glazing liquid (satin)
Soft pastel (I’m using this one but you can use any similar color in any brand).
Pasta machine
Pilot frixion pen
Clay softener
Stuffing fork
Hemostat Forceps

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some or all of the links in this supply list are affiliate links.  This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission and we are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please note that we only share the supplies listed by the teacher in this course.  As always, our heart is to encourage you to use what you already have and, when we suggest products, we only share supplies that we use and endorse.