Cozy, eclectic, artsy, warm and comfortable are words I would use to describe how I hope our home feels to my family and friends.

Cozy is the best word and it instant makes me think of comfy pajamas, my hands wrapped around a huge mug of something hot, a good book, the fireplace going, my favorite record playing, curled up on the couch with a fluffy blanket and sweet faces surrounding me.

As soon as the temperatures dip below 80 degrees I am ready to wrap my home, cooking, art and daily practices around the art of fall.

It is truly the beginning of my favorite seasons of the year.

If you have been following me for awhile you know I love to share some of my favorite items each season.

When you look at the lists below just look at the images and then get creative on where you can find the items that can add a little cozy to your home.

I think home should be a sweet mix of scents, sounds and textures.

And as always…I LOVE to hear what you like to add to your homes!

1.  This book has been on my list since I saw it in Savannah during a Living Studio retreat.

Give me all the books!  Books are one of my favorite things in the world and you will see them all over our home.

2. Find the recipes that make your family happy and make them again and again again.

3. Paper!  Oh, how I love paper! I am a paper girl through and through and it makes me giddy in all forms. I have a journal with me at all times so I can sketch and write down ideas.

4. I love a good candle and I even have a cabinet of just candles. This is very true.  My favorite, favorite, favorite scent is Amber & Moss.  My whole house smells so yummy when it is burning.

5. I kind of have a mug addiction. Kind of.  I swear it makes coffee and tea taste even better.

6. Every good room needs to have an easy to grab throw or blanket. We actually have a few piles of blankets and throws in a few rooms.  I hate being cold (and I am always cold).

7. Music is so big in our home and vinyl  is just is another way that we celebrate that.   Do you remember when we were younger and we would sit for hours listening to new music and reading over the whole cover, lyrics etc.?   I am still a big believer that we still need to just sit, relax, read, listen and enjoy…really enjoy the things that make us smile.

8. I know I have told you a million times but I just love THIS pot.  I make everything (everything) in my Staub.  It really gets the most use in the fall and winter. I promise you that even though it is an investment that you will have it for the rest of your life.  Heck, your kids can probably use it too.

9. I know, I know that this is a little frivolous but COME ON…they are soooo cute!!!  I hide them from the kids and will only let them light the candles with the lighters. The matches are all for me:-)

10. Many of you emailed me about some of my clothes from my France trip and most of my clothes are from Target, Anthro, Free People, Urban Outfitters and Tilly’s.  This sweater is from Tilly’s and sweaters are one of the BEST parts of cozy weather!

11. Coffee. Nuff said.

12.  I am a sucker for packaging and awesome scents and this one wins for also being super cheap!

13.  My kids LOVE hot cider and this is our favorite mulling spice.  We get it each year and even use it through Christmas.

14.  Pillows make everything better. Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration but pillows are the EASIEST and CHEAPEST way to add a whole new look to your space.

15. My favorite linen scarf is from one of my most favorite shops.  If you go to Paris I hope you will pop inside! Layers are another beautiful part about cozy weather and you have so many choices in how you can show your creativity through your clothes and accessories.  So fun!

16.  Cozy weather instantly makes me want to make art. This is a course I have coming up in January 2016.  Whatever thing you love to do I hope you make time for it!  You owe it to yourself to give yourself that thing that helps you relax and find peace.

17.  Flowers or something green are a must in this home each week.  It is my gift to myself every. single. week. I don’t wait for anyone else to do it for me.

18.  Lights and lighting makes a HUGE impact on your space.  Overhead lights are great but don’t forget how COZY table lamps make your space feel.