I have a little girl that is constantly coming up with different projects and telling me that she is going to sell them in her own shop.


The name of her shop (to be) will be Bluebird.

She wants to sell bracelets, necklaces, headbands, eye shades and pretty much anything else she can come up with.

Our poor neighbors have been sold many things over the years (without my knowledge).

I was wondering where she was getting all her cash.

This past weekend Madolyn came up  with her new headbands and asked me to be her model.

So…I was the model…Maddy was the photographer.

Picnik collage
It was actually hard to be serious.

We were laughing the whole time.

For the record…that is confetti in my hair..not dandruff.  Wanted to clarify!

There may be a reason that the Ford Modeling Agency has never contacted me.

If you are ever looking for a totally groovy headband…I've got connections with the artist!

I love that she is a dreamer.

She is a wonderful writer.

Her mind is always coming up with wonderful stories, ideas, creations.

I hope we do a good job encouraging her to truly fly.