(photograph courtesy of my seven year old)

This is a story of a girl who loved to clean.

Loved perfection.

Loved order.

This is a story of a girl that married a boy that did not love the above.

This is a story of a girl that needed to let go of some control and a boy who met her in the middle.

If you would have known this girl 11 years ago and come to her home you would have been met with a perfect home.  Perfect meal.  Perfect linen closet. Perfect music to go with the perfect meal.

You would have also met a boy that had tried to met the girl's very  bizarre level of perfection.

There was a lot of stress that goes along with getting perfection.

There was a lot of time wasted on things that really didn't matter.

This girl loved to clean so much that she would stay up until 2am (even without people coming over) and clean out cabinets and shelves and expect the darling boy to join her.

One day the darling boy was laying on the couch and he was resting upon the pillows…heaven forbid…they might get squished…and the girl freaked out asking the boy to not lay on the pillows.

He looked at the girl as if she were crazy and then said some words that would change her life.

Little words.

Words that could easily have been ignored…but they weren't.

"Are you really going to go through your whole life worrying about things like the pillows?"

I know you would never guess…but that girl was me🙂

Three children later, homeschooling, business and life I am proud (and so is my husband) that I am not that girl anymore.

Sure I wish for perfection….I just don't waste my time or anyone else's on it anymore.

Thanksgiving dinner was at our house today.


We spent less than an hour cleaning (and it looked great).

I didn't worry or stress over this meal.

I woke up, had my coffee, started making everything in my pajamas and went upstairs about 20 minutes before my family arrived to get dressed.


Christmas music played the whole time, candles were lit and I enjoyed getting everything ready.

My children and husband helped the whole morning and I didn't care how they did things….I was so happy for their help.


(my niece is slowly…SLOWLY..getting used to her new brother)

The children made a Thanksgiving Tree (leaves with things they are thankful for), we took a walk and bike ride and we relaxed with family.



In all the right ways it WAS perfect.


I still love putting things together and I am good at it…so my simple may not be your simple….but believe me….IT IS:-)

(my sister and new baby)

My heart has changed.

The way I look at things has changed.

(the children playing musical glasses after the meal)

I am relaxed more and truly enjoy the reason of the holidays and everyday life…..and it was NEVER about the table!

(Kelly and the kids showing off their muscles…and a few are even kissing them)




Don't get me wrong…every once in awhile I freak out on everyone and wish things could be perfect..or just the toilets clean!!!


I think this photo just sums up Thanksgiving:-)


Starting TODAY through December 13th I am offering FREE SHIPPING in my shop

Keep in mind that I can ship directly to anywhere you would like.

I always wrap every package beautifully with ribbon, tags and flowers.

I promise that I will wrap it perfectly🙂