Picnik collage

A year ago today I was putting my first items on my site. 

I was so nervous and sick to my stomach.  I am not a timid person or usually afraid to put myself out there….but this felt different. 

I didn't know what the response would be to my items.  The things I had designed and made would either sell or not. 

A year later I have retailers from coast to coast of the United States and I have shipped my items all over the world. 

Thousands of items have been made and sold. 

 Countless hours have been spent creating. 

I can't tell you how happy it has made me to create.  If the business stopped today I have realized forever that I HAVE to create on a daily basis.  I forget time when I am making something.  I relax, pray, think, listen to music and open my mind up to new projects. 

I have been thinking about this past year a lot this week. 

 How I started the business and why. 

 How I have tried to balance my family, homeschooling and creating. 

What I have learned about myself and others through this process. 

Through all of this the reoccurring theme has been FAMILY.  I can't imagine going through this past year without all the people that have supported and encouraged me. 

My brother will send me vintage treasures when he finds them. 

My sister has blessed me by offering to paint plaques and frames when I need extra help. She always emails her friends when I have new items coming out.  She is always the first to tell me what she loves about a new line.

 My dad has searched through antique stores looking for vintage cigar boxes and bringing me stacks of vintage sheet music and books. 

My mom has been right beside me this whole year.  She has helped me from day one with so many sewing projects!  Mom, I couldn't do all of this without you and your amazing help.  

Thank you guys for believing in me and always supporting me.  I am blessed beyond words. 

The true award goes to my husband and children.  My children believe I am the most talented and creative person they know:-)  They are my number one fans.  Everyone needs a fan club…even if they are two, six and eight.  I will take what I can get!

My Kelly has lavished me with support.  LAVISHED.  As I look back on this past year my eyes are full of tears for this man that the Lord has blessed me with.  He has helped in every way possible.  He has picked up supplies, watched the children, surprised me with expensive equipment, been my mailman, set up my work space and the whole time told me how proud he is of me.  Not once has he complained.  He is my personal cheering section.  I love you and how you love me.

I have a pretty incredible family.  Their support makes this one year mark so much more rewarding. 

To all my customers and friends I would like to say thank you for a wonderful first year.  I have met so many amazing woman.  I have been inspired and encouraged by so many of you. To thank everyone I would like to have a few giveaways.

Drum roll please….

First place will receive a $100 gift certificate from my shop and a $100 gift card from Anthropologie. I know these are your top two places to shop!

Second place will receive a $50 gift certificate from my shop.

Just leave a comment and you will be entered in the drawing. If you mention my giveaway on your blog and link back to my blog let me know and I will add your name twice. 

I will pick the winners on Monday.

I am looking forward to the year to come!