It has been crazy busy around here lately.

On Friday I drove with the kids to Ft. Collins to meet up with my friend Courtney.


Courtney was on a house hunting trip with her mom and her beautiful

I have known Courtney since I was little.  We both grew up in Illinois and attended the same private school.

I am pretty excited because Courtney's super talented husband just took a job here and they will be moving to the Ft. Collins area.

I can't believe that my sweet friend will only be 1 1/2 hours away!!!

She has teased me that I talk up Ft. Collins so much that I should be their official spokes person…I will check into that.

Ft. Collins was the first place that I lived after college.

I have so many incredible and fun memories from those years.

After Jack was born Kelly and I decided to move back to Colorado.

Our little family lived in Ft. Collins for another two years but the commute into Denver was too much.

I adore the town and the lifestyle.

If we ever had the chance to live there again I would in a heart beat!


The kids had a great time together and it was incredible to see Courtney face to face…it had been too many years.

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On the 4th we had our annual block party.

We have the best neighbors…seriously amazing!

We shut down the street and everyone brings out food (a lot of food).

This year one of our neighbors smoked all the meat in his smoker and I think I proclaimed more than once my deep, deep love (I am pretty sure that my husband did too :-)).

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There was a jumping tent, cotton candy maker, water balloon fights, fireworks and s'mores.

We all went to bed VERY full and tired from such a fun day.

Monday was full of picking this lady up from her mother in law's home in Colorado Springs, bringing her back to show her around Castle Rock and then coming back to our house for dinner.

We didn't have tons of time on our own but we did have time to eat a late lunch and then shop at The Barn for awhile.

This is Becky a little embarrassed with my mungo new camera…she thought I was a little too paparazzi!

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She found lots of goodies at The Barn and she really wanted to go home with this chandelier.


She had very good self control..but I think she is still looking at the photo on her camera and trying to talk her husband into it.

**update…received a text that she came back into town on her way home and bought it:-)**

Her sweet husband and PRECIOUS girls met us back at the house for dinner.


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The kids all hit it off right away and had the best time playing on our water slide.

We just sat in the backyard eating, talking and watching the children play.

It was such a joy to have Becky and her family in our home.

I can't wait for her next trip out to see family…maybe next time we can snag all of them longer.

I told you it was a packed weekend.

I am currently working on things for the Towne and Country Market coming up again THIS Saturday in downtown Castle Rock.

I would LOVE to see you.

Lets hope the weather cooperates more this time!