I love how wax transforms your art and takes your creativity to a whole new level.

While I was in Mexico last fall I had the privilege of meeting, creating and becoming friends with Kathie Vezzani.

I loved watching her create and the freedom she had with color as she painted.

I asked her to come and teach on my site before the retreat was over and I am so excited her course is now less than a month away!

Here is a peek into what her course will be about…

Plaster and Wax 101 {portraits illuminated from within}


Mixed media artist, Kathie Vezzani, loves to share her love of all things plaster and wax. Join her in a 2-week course that will take you on a playful journey of creating in plaster and encaustic wax. This is a beginning course that will introduce you to the basics of using these two mediums, including safety procedures and tools.

Plaster is a luscious, absorbent surface that begs to be scraped, carved, sanded and painted. A very old, raw medium used to make the ancient frescoes we see in Europe, Kathie will take you on a journey to paint your own masterpiece. She will go over the basics of painting a face, show you how to paint a “pretty face, “ then using her own style, show you that you don’t have to paint realistic faces that conform to the rules.

When finished, she will show you how to apply layers of encaustic medium to make your painting seem illuminated from within, adding oil paint to soften the edges or add splashes of color.

Adding, removing, distressing and layering, so many possibilities when working with plaster and wax!


This two week course will begin on May 19th!

The content is available for one year.



The course has an early registration price of $29.  After May 1st the price goes to $35




This course is available for one full year.




I wanted to do a fun giveaway to celebrate Kathie’s first solo online class and also to remind you that there are only days left to get the early registration price.


Kathie wanted to give one of you an original encaustic painting and I want to give one of you a box full of Kathie’s  favorite encaustic supplies!

How about that giveaway?


Kathie is giving away one of her original encaustic painting valued at over $100.


I am giving away Kathie’s favorite art supplies valued at over $130.00


To enter for a chance to win the original painting or the art supplies please leave a comment on this post sharing what medium you want to learn to use next.




For additional chances to win the painting or art supplies you can do the following (just remember to come back here each time and tell us for additional chances)…




*Tweet about the new course



*Facebook about the new course



*Pin the course to Pinterest



*Share the course on Instagram


*Blog about the course



I will announce the winners of the original painting and art supplies next week!



Registration is now open!


 Early registration price is $29



The price will go to $35 on May 1st.




You can go directly to jeanneoliver.ning.com and register for the course by clicking HERE.




(this will put you instantly in the course and you will be ready when class begins)