I can’t believe it is almost August!

We have had a full (but wonderful) summer.

A few days after Kelly and I returned from Italy we felt spoiled as we spent a night out watching The Avett Brothers at Red Rocks.  We are so spoiled by this venue that we don’t even like concerts anywhere else.

A few days later we watched my sister’s three kids for 9 days while they helped my mom and brother move from Illinois to Colorado.

It was a big move and I am so happy that it worked for us to love on the kids while their parents were busy helping family pack and driving across the country.

It has been fun this summer to begin seeing the garden produce yummy goodies for us.

We are still waiting for the beans, cucumbers and squash to be ripe but we are being patient.

I recently received this gorgeous painting from the amazing Danielle Donaldson.

It is so rich in layers and details!

My sweet friend Lara invited a few of us to her father’s home in Manzanita and it was the perfect way to catch up with friends, recharge, relax and enjoy the Oregon coast.

While I was gone our sweet Milo slipped past Kelly and the kids and he is no longer with us.

{the note Benjamin wrote for Milo and buried with him:-(}

I didn’t really grow up with animals and I had never had an animal die and let me just say…it ruined me.

I feel like my heart was broken open and wishing we could have a second chance to save him had me in tears for days.

It has been so sad for our whole family.

The day we found and buried Milo was the day my brother moved in with us (just while he finds a place and job).

He was a good sport to watch us do the ugly cry and go to a cat funeral:-)

Thanks, Mike!

We have spent the past week enjoying the freedom that summer brings.

The Colorado Symphony Orchestra recent had a John Williams: Night at the Movies.

It was a fun night of the children hearing the compositions from some of their favorite films.

I love when the kids want to go to Barnes and Noble and we all get to get lost in books and coffee:-)

Tired nights of sleepovers…

Cool mornings wrapped up in a quilt doing devotions and reading…

I feel like our summer is just starting and everyone around me is shopping for school supplies:-)

I am looking forward to another month full of creeks, park time, friends, dinners outside, hikes and relaxing.

What have been your favorite moments of summer?