(photo taken by my rock star, photographer friend Tiffany Kirchner-Dixon)

I have left this summer wide open.

I wanted to make sure that we had time to do more hiking (our favorite family activity), work on the house, work in the yard, read books with the kids and MAKE ART!!!

Really, really, really make art.

Sometimes the business of business is…well….business!

I am giddy just thinking of the paint and messy hands in my future.

If your heart flutters a bit when you just think about making art I hope that this summer you WILL MAKE ART!

For those of you that want to make art but don’t know where to start or would love a little direction this summer

I am so happy to offer my Creatively Made {rediscovering the beauty of your gifts} again this year.

We weren’t going to offer it again until January but we had so many requests that we thought we would give it a go.

Here are some of the details:

This course also has an amazing forum and private Facebook page for those that want to grow and connect with other artist.

Hear what people are saying about “Creatively Made”…


The lessons I have learned from you about life and art are priceless. –Ali


Thank you so much for touching my heart and soul and truly making a difference in my life,

which will in turn make a difference to all those I love. –Kim


I am loving and finding so much in the class, and not just art! -Sandy


…this class changed my life. –Julia


Your course has helped me to look deeper and see that I too truly have gifts that I can share.

I know that I need to look deeper and really appreciate what I do have. Your course has given me the courage to try harder. -Teresa


Thank you for such a wonderful course. It has influenced the way I am thinking about my art and my creativity in general.

Your thoughts have spilled over to many different aspects of the way I create. –Ellen


It is so evident where your heart is and your words are encouraging on every level.

I feel tremendously blessed to have taken part of this course.

I’ve learned many art techniques but maybe more importantly was fed in my soul. -Kim


Thank you so much for sharing; this has truly been a life altering experience for me.

Everything you shared with us was exactly what I needed to hear at this time in my life!

I took a chance signing up for this class as I had never done anything similar-I am so glad I followed my heart!! -Anita


I asked for a class. I expected the answer to be a room filled with artists and an instructor.

What I received was much more than I expected. In addition to learning new techniques, my spirit was lifted and I was connected with other wonderful souls. –Karen


I have truly enjoyed this class. I know that you and this class have taken me to a higher level of calmness, simplicity and my art energy.

May I be able to open up and soar higher every day with confidence, assurance and peace. –Dira


Why didn’t anyone tell me these amazing truths years ago? Jeanne, you have no idea how needed your words are. I am LOVING this course!!!!!!!

Thank you for putting together such an amazing, creative, nurturing course. –Julia


I am just LOVING this course.  Words can’t describe it quite the way I want them too.

I am learning so much and making myself really sit back and reflect on so many things.

I thank you so much for bringing this course to light and coming into my life. -Tracy


To read more about the course and to register you can go HERE.

Class begins June 18.

I would love to see you there!