I was recently tagged by Jen from City Farmhouse to share seven random things with you about myself.

I did one of these lists awhile ago with 25 items…I am running out of things to tell you guys.

OK…here we go.

1. I grew up in Illinois and I would move back in a second if it were not for the humidity, bugs and snow.

2. After three kids I am lucky if I don't wet my pants every time I workout….sorry…I told you it was getting harder to find things to tell you.  I guess this is when I hope ex-boyfriends don't read my blog…if they were still wondering if I had been the one…I think I answered that for them.

3. I am computer challenged.  That I have a blog is nothing short of a miracle!  I have notes on how to upload photos and all other blog/website related things that I could need when my computer husband is not available. It is sad and pathetic! 

4. I used to be a stripper…OK…I never was!  I just thought that would spice things up a bit.  The truth is I can talk to anyone…anywhere.

5. My dad has a real estate agency and he is a realtor.  We would spend so many Sundays going through open houses.  It was one of my favorite things to do…it still is.  It is hard not to stop anytime I see an open house sign.  I love getting a peek into another person's home.

6. Growing up I had wished that I was a brunette.  I have always thought that dark hair is so stunning.  Well, after my third baby and I couldn't fit into any of my clothes I thought it was a brilliant idea to go dark ….really dark.  Not one of my best looks. 

7. I love shoes.  I really just love all fashion accessories.  I just counted my shoes for you and I have 63 pairs.  The scary thing is that I recently got rid of a ton.


There you have it. 

 Seven useless things you now know about me that is taking away precious space in your brain.

I want to hear seven random things about YOU! 

If you play along let me know and I will link back to you.

 My Sweet Savannah