The Jeanne Oliver Podcast


On this episode Jeanne is talking with On this episode Jeanne is talking with Jeremy Reeves and Martin Drexler of Goodvoice Group.

This episode is full of why we are drawn to good design, areas we may be missing in telling our story and finding clarity in why we are offering our business in the first place.

This is a rich discussion about the difference in art and design and how to connect better with our customers.

If you want to know better how to use design to solve a problem and where to start with your website you will not want to miss this episode.




Episode Summary

On this episode Jeanne is talking with Jeremy Reeves and Martin Drexler of Goodvoice Group. This episode is full of why we are drawn to good design, areas we may be missing in telling our story and finding clarity in why we are offering our business in the first place. This is a rich discussion about the difference in art and design and how to connect better with our customers. If you want to know better how to use design to solve a problem and where to start with your website you will not want to miss this episode.

Episode Notes

Podcast 014 | Creating a Visual and Verbal Identity with Goodvoice Group

On this episode, Jeanne talks with Martin Drexler and Jeremy Reeves of Goodvoice Group.

6:26 “Our sort of core business metric is if we cry with our clients, we feel like we’ve like
we’ve really nailed it.”

7:06 “100% of our clients come to us with a pretty shallow understanding of who they are. It’s
not because they don’t know, it’s that they’ve never been invited to think deeply about it.”

9:15 “This new era is going to require a ton of resolve…let it press you into a resolve
connected to your deepest aspirations.”

14:19 “It didn’t take a ton of money, they didn’t have to change a lot, but they had to have the
imagination to see that they can still move forward and be something within the core of who they

15:31 “The two most important values as you are engaging with your customers as human
beings are empathy and curiosity, especially in this time.”

16:47 “Am I feeling also this strange sort of defiant hope? I think I am, on my best days I am.
Then my customers are probably feeling that, too.

18:59 “Right now we’re in the age of tribal association; every human being is part of a tribe,
subconsciously. This is where the empathy comes in. How do we make somebody associate
with a tribe?”

22:02 “Curiosity in a moment like this allows a business owner to say to her staff “What other
things are you good at? How can we, as a tribe, committed to each others’ well-being, and
committed to the well-being of our customers, how can we pivot to use underutilized gifts.”

23:05 “We have to educate people to be brave. People are afraid to stand out, but always tell
them be afraid to not stand out.”

35:52 “We tend to have these two categories: what are the things we are good at, and what
are the barriers for us. And what this time is allowing for us is to ask how the barriers can be
gifts also.”

42:30 “Clarity is ‘Here’s how you can become who you want to be with the assistance of what I
do as a business. Here’s how I help you be the person you want to be.’”

48:54 “To test for clarity, I would suggest getting in touch with a receiver of your message. Go
find someone, send them the copy you wrote for your website, and ask them what they heard.”

52:39 “We understand Brand Humanity as your company being perceived as a person. So
your company, to the exterior, how it’s perceived in the world, is actually very close to being a

53:35 “The longer a company is in operation the farther away from their initial motivation and
purpose they get. And what we want to do is bring them back to that initial seed of motivation.”


Goodvoice Group is a creative agency that exists to multiply self-understanding, discover clarity, and design simplicity, so that companies can shape a bright and flourishing future.

Goodvoice Group